Reinstalling Windows 8

Firstly, not really Windows 8, but Windows 8.1 (which matters?) As a family IT support person I've been asked to reinstall Win8.1 for a family member, and I don't know if the bigger cause for my misfortunes was it being pirated, or Win8.1 breaking reinstalls (as I've read online from multiple sources), but it certainly wasn't fun. No matter what I've done, I've got the message: Insert Media. Some files are missing....

June 2, 2023 · 2 min · Nevalicjus

Flashing ISOs on Mac

With your ISO ready, and the USB you plan to flash ready, here's the steps to achieve victory. Your USB needs to be a bit bigger than the ISO, but the margin may vary. Remember that your USB will be erased during this process. Open a Terminal Window Run diskutil list and find your USB (/dev/diskN) Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN. It should print Unmount of all volumes on diskN was successful...

June 2, 2023 · 1 min · Nevalicjus